Refunds & Cancellations 

We want to make sure you understand all fees and charges associated with your training program so please carefully read this section.  

You can find out about the fees for a training program on our website, the training program factsheet and in addition all fees associated with your program are included in the Student Agreement. The Student Agreement also includes a detailed payment schedule and payment options, as well as your rights.   

We will also tell you about the potential for fees and charges to change over the duration of their training program, although it is unlikely that fees and charges will change.  

We always protect your fees by: 

  • maintaining a sufficient amount in our account so we are able to repay all tuition fees already paid. 
  • never charging any more than $1,500 in one instalment. 

Please note that the following fees can apply in addition to the fees advertised in the Training Program Brochure. 

Non-tuition fees that may apply: 

Deferral fee  Nil  
Re-assessment fee (outside of your standard 2 year enrolment period   $100 per assessment submission  
Fees for late payment of training program fees  $50 per week for each week the payment for training fees is delayed 
Credit transfer  Nil 
RPL  Application fee of $200 

Unit fee – Cert IV level $100 per unit  

Unit fee – Diploma level $200 per unit  

Unit fee – Grad Diploma level $1,000 per unit 

Reassessment fee – $100 per unit 

Work placement fee                                               

Placement hosting fee 

Placement fee $399 (only payable if we have to obtain your placement for you)

$133 per hour minimum 2 hours 

Ezy Pay  

(external credit card / payment plan provider) 

  • Load Fee: $2.00 (Paid By: student) 
  • Failed Payment Fee: $8.90 (Paid by: student)
  • Transaction Fee – Bank: $2.00 (Paid by: student) 
  • Transaction Fee – MasterCard/Visa: 2.00%  (Paid by: student)
  • Transaction Fee – AMEX: 2.70% (Paid by: student)

You are required to pay all fees and charges by the date indicated on the invoice. Where you are unable to make a payment by the specified date, please contact us to discuss alternative arrangements. If no arrangements have been made, a late payment fee of $50 per week will apply.  

All payments are to be made into the account specified on the invoice.  

Where fees are overdue and you have not made alternative arrangements, a first warning, second warning will be sent to you as follows: 

  • First warning letter: failing to pay an invoice within 5 days of receipt or contacting us to make alternative arrangements. 
  • Second warning letter: failing to pay an invoice within 5 days of receipt of the first warning letter or contacting us to make alternative arrangements. 

Following cancellation of enrolment due to non-payment of fees, any fees you have previously paid to date are non-refundable under any circumstances.  

Please carefully read the following information about refunds. This applies whether you paid the fees or someone else paid fees and non-tuition fees on your behalf.   

If we cancel a training program either before or after it starts, you will receive an automatic refund and do not need to complete the Refund Application Form. The refund will be provided within 10 working days of the cancellation.  

In all other circumstances, you should complete and submit a Refund Application Form which can be accessed from our office or our website. This form must be submitted within 7 working days of the event that led to the request for the refund. The outcome of the refund assessment will be forwarded to you within 20 working days, as well as any applicable refund.  

Refunds will be paid to you or to the person or organisation who paid the training program fees and will be paid in Australian Dollars.  

The refund policy does not remove your right to take further action under Australian Consumer Law. 

Student refunds 

In addition to the above circumstances, refunds apply as follows: 

Archer Institute cancels training program before commencement and does not offer to reschedule  Full refund of all training program fees. 
Archer Institute cancels program following commencement and does not offer to reschedule   Full refund of all training program fees 
Face-to-face student withdraws up to 4 weeks prior to training program commencement.  Refund of all student payments made 
Face-to-face student withdraws less than 4 weeks but more than 48 hours prior to training program commencement.  Cancellation fee $295 
Face-to-face student withdraws less than 48 hours prior to training program commencement.  30% of training program fees to be paid 
Face-to-face students withdraws after commencement  No refund on any previously paid fees 
Student’s enrolment cancelled due to disciplinary action  No refund on any previously paid fees 
Online / paper-based enrolments   Once you have accessed the student portal or received your paper-based assessments, no refund applies.  

If you are utilising a payment plan and you withdraw from your training program, the remaining payments will become due and payable. 

RPL assessments  No refund on any RPL application, unit fees or reassessment fees on any previously paid fees.  
Transition between delivery modes  The student is required to pay the difference between the online delivery fee and blended delivery fee. No refunds apply once the student has transitioned between delivery modes.  
Work placement  There is no refund on any work placement or hosting fees once placement has been booked and confirmed in writing. 
Ezy Pay  No refund on any previously paid credit card fees unless Archer Institute cancels the training program. 
Ezy Pay – Failed Payment fee  Archer Institute will not reimburse you the “failed payment fee” that was charged by Ezy Pay for having insufficient funds in your bank account to pay your training fees.  



Suspending or cancelling your enrolment 

It is important to understand that your enrolment may be cancelled or suspended by us in a range of circumstances: 

  • Misbehaviour (i.e., not abiding by the Student Code of Conduct as outlined in this Handbook). 
  • Not paying your training program fees. 
  • Not making satisfactory progress as set out in this Handbook. 

Where any of the above circumstances apply you will be contacting in writing to inform you of the intended suspension or cancellation and the reasons for this.  

You will be given the opportunity to access our Complaints and Appeals Policy and Procedure to appeal the decision within 20 working days of receipt of the decision.  

We will not cancel your enrolment until the internal appeal process is complete, unless your health and wellbeing or that of others could be at risk.  



Refunds & Cancellations 

We want to make sure you understand all fees and charges associated with your training program so please carefully read this section.  

You can find out about the fees for a training program on our website, the training program factsheet and in addition all fees associated with your program are included in the Student Agreement. The Student Agreement also includes a detailed payment schedule and payment options, as well as your rights.   

We will also tell you about the potential for fees and charges to change over the duration of their training program, although it is unlikely that fees and charges will change.  

We always protect your fees by: 

  • maintaining a sufficient amount in our account so we are able to repay all tuition fees already paid. 
  • never charging any more than $1,500 in one instalment. 

Please note that the following fees can apply in addition to the fees advertised in the Training Program Brochure. 

Non-tuition fees that may apply: 

Deferral fee  Nil  
Re-assessment fee (outside of your standard 2 year enrolment period   $100 per assessment submission  
Fees for late payment of training program fees  $50 per week for each week the payment for training fees is delayed 
Credit transfer  Nil 
RPL  Application fee of $200 

Unit fee – Cert IV level $100 per unit  

Unit fee – Diploma level $200 per unit  

Unit fee – Grad Diploma level $1,000 per unit 

Reassessment fee – $100 per unit 

Work placement fee                                               

Placement hosting fee 

Placement fee $399 (only payable if we have to obtain your placement for you)

$133 per hour minimum 2 hours 

Ezy Pay  

(external credit card / payment plan provider) 

  • Load Fee: $2.00 (Paid By: student) 
  • Failed Payment Fee: $8.90 (Paid by: student)
  • Transaction Fee – Bank: $2.00 (Paid by: student) 
  • Transaction Fee – MasterCard/Visa: 2.00%  (Paid by: student)
  • Transaction Fee – AMEX: 2.70% (Paid by: student)

You are required to pay all fees and charges by the date indicated on the invoice. Where you are unable to make a payment by the specified date, please contact us to discuss alternative arrangements. If no arrangements have been made, a late payment fee of $50 per week will apply.  

All payments are to be made into the account specified on the invoice.  

Where fees are overdue and you have not made alternative arrangements, a first warning, second warning will be sent to you as follows: 

  • First warning letter: failing to pay an invoice within 5 days of receipt or contacting us to make alternative arrangements. 
  • Second warning letter: failing to pay an invoice within 5 days of receipt of the first warning letter or contacting us to make alternative arrangements. 

Following cancellation of enrolment due to non-payment of fees, any fees you have previously paid to date are non-refundable under any circumstances.  

Please carefully read the following information about refunds. This applies whether you paid the fees or someone else paid fees and non-tuition fees on your behalf.   

If we cancel a training program either before or after it starts, you will receive an automatic refund and do not need to complete the Refund Application Form. The refund will be provided within 10 working days of the cancellation.  

In all other circumstances, you should complete and submit a Refund Application Form which can be accessed from our office or our website. This form must be submitted within 7 working days of the event that led to the request for the refund. The outcome of the refund assessment will be forwarded to you within 20 working days, as well as any applicable refund.  

Refunds will be paid to you or to the person or organisation who paid the training program fees and will be paid in Australian Dollars.  

The refund policy does not remove your right to take further action under Australian Consumer Law. 

Student refunds 

In addition to the above circumstances, refunds apply as follows: 

Archer Institute cancels training program before commencement and does not offer to reschedule  Full refund of all training program fees. 
Archer Institute cancels program following commencement and does not offer to reschedule   Full refund of all training program fees 
Face-to-face student withdraws up to 4 weeks prior to training program commencement.  Refund of all student payments made 
Face-to-face student withdraws less than 4 weeks but more than 48 hours prior to training program commencement.  Cancellation fee $295 
Face-to-face student withdraws less than 48 hours prior to training program commencement.  30% of training program fees to be paid 
Face-to-face students withdraws after commencement  No refund on any previously paid fees 
Student’s enrolment cancelled due to disciplinary action  No refund on any previously paid fees 
Online / paper-based enrolments   Once you have accessed the student portal or received your paper-based assessments, no refund applies.  

If you are utilising a payment plan and you withdraw from your training program, the remaining payments will become due and payable. 

RPL assessments  No refund on any RPL application, unit fees or reassessment fees on any previously paid fees.  
Transition between delivery modes  The student is required to pay the difference between the online delivery fee and blended delivery fee. No refunds apply once the student has transitioned between delivery modes.  
Work placement  There is no refund on any work placement or hosting fees once placement has been booked and confirmed in writing. 
Ezy Pay  No refund on any previously paid credit card fees unless Archer Institute cancels the training program. 
Ezy Pay – Failed Payment fee  Archer Institute will not reimburse you the “failed payment fee” that was charged by Ezy Pay for having insufficient funds in your bank account to pay your training fees.  



Suspending or cancelling your enrolment 

It is important to understand that your enrolment may be cancelled or suspended by us in a range of circumstances: 

  • Misbehaviour (i.e., not abiding by the Student Code of Conduct as outlined in this Handbook). 
  • Not paying your training program fees. 
  • Not making satisfactory progress as set out in this Handbook. 

Where any of the above circumstances apply you will be contacting in writing to inform you of the intended suspension or cancellation and the reasons for this.  

You will be given the opportunity to access our Complaints and Appeals Policy and Procedure to appeal the decision within 20 working days of receipt of the decision.  

We will not cancel your enrolment until the internal appeal process is complete, unless your health and wellbeing or that of others could be at risk.